Neurodivergence & ADHD Coaching

Who I Am. 

I’m Cei Wendland, BFA, MSW.

I’m a Neurodivergence and ADHD Coach,

I support neurodivergent adults who have a range of talents and passions in creating a sense of balance, safety, and control in their lives. This allows them to embrace more fun, creativity and joy, and ultimately live with greater freedom and fulfillment.

I take a client-centered approach, drawing from a variety of techniques, including Somatic, Mindfulness, Cognitive-Behavioral tools, and my own lived experience and intuition to guide my practice.

I am solution-focused and committed to empowering clients to create change by fostering self-awareness, resilience, and practical strategies for personal growth.

I work with you 1:1 to form strategies that work for you. My goal is to address your unique needs and challenges from a holistic perspective, considering both your personal experiences and the environments that shape them.

Who You Are. 

Are you looking to find balance and clarity in areas like:

  • Work or School (managing focus, deadlines, and productivity, procrastination, time management, structure and routine)

  • Personal Growth (overcoming self-doubt, enhancing self-awareness, self-esteem, self-compassion, Emotional Regulation / RSD)

  • Relationships (navigating social dynamics, effective communication, impulsivity, boundaries)

  • Leisure & Time Management (balancing rest, creativity, and fun, finding interests, self-care)

  • Financial Goals (breaking down complex tasks, budgeting, impulsive spending, set goals)

  • Personal Health (managing energy levels, wellness routines, sleep habits, eating habits, stress, anxiety, fatigue, & exercising)

You don’t need a clinical diagnosis to work with me—I focus on your strengths, self-identified goals, and unique ways of thinking!

“A lot of people hear Neuro and they think, brain. But the prefix neuro doesn’t mean brain, it means nerve. The neuro in neurodiversity… a convenient shorthand for the functionality of the whole bodymind…”

— Dr. Nick Walker

I’m glad you’re here.

Reach out for a  no-cost Initial Consultation